
GAMECHANGER with Setema Gali

When Setema Gali retired from the NFL after playing for the New England Patriots, he knew that he wanted to lead a life that matters and coach others to do the same. This is the GAMECHANGER with Setema Gali, a podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world. What does he ask in return? Share this with others. Stop being a victim. Take your life back. The Revolution Has Begun.
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GAMECHANGER with Setema Gali









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Now displaying: March, 2016
Mar 29, 2016

Last week I finished up my Shield Maiden event, diving deep into the pursuit of what we want.

One of the lessons that stood out to me was that our surroundings and environment MATTERS.

Where we are physically creates an opportunity for what we want, but we have to allow ourselves to go to that environment.

Sometimes in order to grow, you have to leave.

Whatever the results are that you want to create, you may need to leave a culture or environment that doesn’t allow for the growth that you want to be around.

For me, I had to get out of one environment and move into a different based upon where I wanted to go in my life.

When we change our environment, the dynamic of the people within that environment also reflect growth or scarcity.

I love having people come TO me in Southern California and be in a nice area that allows for space and peace. Yes, we have to pay for that type of living, but it’s worth it.

Ask yourself:

* Is the environment that I’m living in helping me to rise up? 

* Does my environment help get me towards abundance?

* What can I do today to start living a life that I want to live? 

Forcing yourself into an environment that’s uncomfortable because it’s unfamiliar may be the best thing you can do for yourself.

Mar 29, 2016

As you already know, I recently completed Seal Fit 20X, and after I finished, I didn’t want to do anything like that every again. And yet, a few days later, I was ready to sign up for the juggernaut Kokoro.

There’s a piece of me that wants to do it with my fellow Warriors in July, but I’m ready to sign up for the next Kokoro following.

I have to shed 40 lbs and become bigger mentally in order to accomplish this. I need trusted people in my huddle so I can achieve what I want. When you have a huddle of champions, you are able to do more than you ever thought you could do on your own.

If you want to change your life, you may need to change your playground and playmates in order to get this accomplished.

Who you’re around is how powerful you’re going to be.

In your life, you have an opportunity to surround yourself with people that YOU choose, but keep in mind that it’s not about becoming self-righteous and thinking you’re higher than others.

Take a look at the people that you associate with. You’re association will be more effective than the books that you read.

Ask yourself:

* Who do I have to become to achieve what I desire? 

* Who am I spending time with?

* What do I want in my current relationships to get what I want? 

Tell me who you’re friends with and I’ll tell you who YOU are.

Mar 28, 2016

One week ago I did 20X SealFit Challenge. It was the most intense and difficult thing I’ve ever physically done.

At one point there was a part of getting my feet off the ground, and at 300 lbs, my core was weak, and I was ridden hard by one of the trainers because of this fact.

My preparation was insignificant because my Core was weak.

If you want to have a life of results and prosperity, you HAVE to strengthen your Core.

Even if you think you’ve prepared, there is always something that can be strengthened.

The will to win MUST be proceeded by the will to be prepared.

I’ve found the way to make my Core stronger through incorporating a new daily routine. My weakness of having a weak core will become no more.

Your weaknesses can become your strengths; you just need to make the choice TODAY.

Ask yourself:

* What is my weak link? 

* Where can I strengthen that which is weak? 

* Am I preparing myself to be prepared against the onslaught facing me and my children? 

The stronger the Core, whether it’s your body, relationships, within business or spirituality, the stronger YOU are all around.

Mar 25, 2016

I often talk about the Voice and how it directs me to do what I must do. Maybe you've been hearing something yourself; listen to it. The Voice is real. It will direct you to the path that is best for you. If we don't listen, there are natural consequences that come into our life that may hold us back from achieving the prosperity that we seek. One message the Voice was telling me to do recently was a live event for these incredible women that I've been coaching. IT WAS POWERFUL. We had three days of getting clear and moving with purpose in order to create results in their lives. To get the results, you've got to do the work. The first step towards that is listening to the Voice. Whether you know it as your own personal intuition, the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost, it's all the same. Oftentimes when the Voice speaks, it requires this leap of faith to venture into the unknown. Sometimes it tells us to do things that we don't want to do because it's not convenient, but there's a reason it prompts us. Ask yourself: * What is the Voice within me telling me to do?  * Where do I need to stop doing something because the Voice has confirmed that it doesn't serve me? * Am I listening to what I need to do by following the Voice?  When the Voice speaks, LISTEN. This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world. Share this with others. Stop being a victim. Take your life back. The Revolution Has Begun. Love you, Setema Gali - The Reverend of the Revolution

Mar 23, 2016

Seal Fit 20X, 48 hours later, my body is killing me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Everything is sore, but as I’m looking at the pictures from this recent experience, I’m reminded of what it means to “Embrace the Suck.”

What does this common phrase mean?

You can talk about embracing that which sucks, but until you’ve experienced something that really sucks, it’s whatever it is that challenges you WAY beyond what you thought your tolerance for pain and discomfort was.

When you get way outside of your pain and capacity, that’s when you realize there’s no real finish lines.

If you’re trying to live a life that you truly love, you must get use to embracing the reality that there is no finish line.

You’re going to suffer if you think that life is only meant to stay comfortable.

You have GOT to be willing to push the threshold of pain in order to expand your capacity.

Confront what you’re avoiding in order to truly move forward, which is another way of embracing the suck.

Put yourself into situations that help you invest in you, realizing that getting out of your comfort zone as you embrace the suck helps you expand.

Ask yourself:

* Can I embrace the “Suck” and realize that there’s no finish line? 

* What can I do to take the trials and see a lesson in them?

* How do I see myself? 

If you want a level of power, are you willing to level up from where you are?

Mar 21, 2016

What is Seal Fit 20X?

12 hours of grueling pain and an experience never to be forgotten.

Pushups, air squats, burpees, sit ups, murph (CrossFit Walk), back to back without a break

What’s the point of the pain?

To let you know that you can do SO much more than what you think is possible. When you find a way to make it through the physical pain, it makes you realize that you can do anything anywhere.

I did something that was difficult and challenged me. It was brutal, but totally worth it.

No matter what you do, your commitment is directly tied to your capacity.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but in our life, our COMMITMENT is tied to our capacity to do more.

Preparation is a direct correlation in how we perform. If we don’t want to perform, it’s going to hurt in the long run because there are skills sets and mindsets to everything.

Just know this, whatever you prepare for, you can go get.

Ask yourself:

* Where have I found power in the pain I’ve gone through? 

* What do I need to do to prepare better?

* Am I still preaching from theory or can I preach from experience? 

Your unwillingness to prepare is expensive in the long run because it’s going to hurt you.

Mar 19, 2016

Thank you.

Thank you for being a loyal listener and committed to the principles shared in this podcast.

I’m grateful for all of those in my life that have helped make it what it is.

Can YOU be grateful?

Appreciation comes in so many different forms. Happy people are typically very grateful people, and grateful people tend to be very happy people.  Regardless of where they’ve been or where they are at now, if they are willing to experience gratitude, it doesn’t matter what life throws at them.

Mar 18, 2016

In today’s marketplace, hype is the new currency…that is, until it dies out and gets replaced with the next shiny object.

I get that we are in a stage of life that needs to get our suppression out, but real life isn’t about all of the exciting hype behind something.

Real life is doing the arduous work every single day, which gets monotonous and boring, but no less necessary in order to achieve success.

Like a relationship built on pure sexual attraction; if there’s no emotional connection, it will not last.

Yes, I get passionate sharing my message, but at the core of it is the message to get off the hype train long enough to see with clear eyes and ears that hear, having a heart to understand with.

If you are purely living on hype to get your business off of the ground, you’re going to need hype all of the time in order for it to not fall under. IT WILL NOT LAST. The most successful businesses thrive on sustainability of predictable reality.

Build a foundation of REAL sustainability. It’s not about the hype (though there’s a time and place for it), but focusing on the realization that the majority of power comes from within.

The greatest thing we can do is to create a deep sustainability from within. This is what will get us through the mundane and onto the path of success.

Get clear about what you want.

Ask yourself:

* Why do I need to get clear about what I want? 

* What can I do to get committed?

* What do I need to do to remain committed every single day? 

If you choose to live a life of going back to the basics and fundamentals, you’ll make a deep and sincere commitment to follow through every single day.

Mar 18, 2016

After eating dinner with one of my good friends last night, he shared with me stories about men who used to be great.

They used to make money. And yet, they are now ghosts of greatness. So what changed? They stopped doing the work required to get them to prosperity.

This reminded me of a very valuable lesson:


In many industries, there are certain principles to follow in order to achieve success. And they’re simple! Because of that, it’s often confused as no longer necessary when we start to become successful, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

What brings success?

There are 3 Strategies with which this can get done:

  1. Show up on time
  2. Work the hours
  3. Be positive

There’s a natural part of human nature that wants to go look for the “easy way” in everything that we encounter, especially if there are simple principles. These are “hide behind” activities and don’t support us unless we ACT on them by doing the work that is necessary.

The standard is productivity. There’s a time and place for reading instructions, but this doesn’t get anybody wealthy; it’s always DOING THE WORK that brings results.

If you don’t stay relevant in your industry by doing what is required EVERY SINGLE DAY, you will become irrelevant and forgotten.

It’s the simple items that build greatness by doing them every single day. Specific works bring specific results.

Clarity is power. And this requires doing your work consistently.

Ask yourself:

* Where in my life do I need to do the work? 

* What “hide behind” activities have I been doing, preventing me from greatness?

* What can I do to do what is required today to bring success?

Specific works bring specific results. Find the law in which the outcome is predicated and then go do the work.

Mar 13, 2016

I just finished a nearly 4 hour workout routine with 40 lbs on my back and feel like I learned a lot of life lessons while completing the workout when no one else  was watching.

Taking the path of least resistance never forces us to challenge ourselves. It’s necessary to challenge ourselves in order to create a life that we love and want to create a life that matters.

If you want to create more real, meaningful relationships is going to require you to expand.

The only way to get out of your comfort zone is to get uncomfortable!

Powerful people never operate with the mindset of “I’ll do this later” or “next week I’ll get that done.”

I had this massive paradigm shift that there’s always going to be a big event or decision in which I can live making excuses or challenge myself to do the things that I hate.

The crazy thing that happens by inviting the pain into my life, the things that I once hated I now love because they challenge me to become more.

The only way you can mess something up is to not try it.

Challenge yourself and choose to grow, even if there’s no one there pushing you on.

Ask yourself:

* What can I do to challenge myself today? 

* Am I just going with the status quo or am I honestly asking questions?

* What is something that I can do that I’ve been fearing? 

Challenge yourself and do the very thing that you fear you may not succeed in.

Mar 13, 2016

I’m carrying 40lbs on my back right now as I do today’s podcast walking around in nature, so there’s some huffing and puffing going on in today’s audio!

But it’s taught me a great lesson in using and maintaining the skill sets that we have been given and developed. As the choir director of my church, I was practicing a song I’ve been performing since 2009 many, many times, and yet I forgot it because I haven’t been maintaining my skills with it.

If you don’t practice a skill set and train a part of your body by maintaining the muscle memory, you’re going to lose it.

If you don’t use and practice and exercise your body or a skill set, you will lose it. That doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to get it back, but it’s easier to keep up instead of catching up.

Start where you are.

You can’t try to do what some other celebrity or athlete is currently doing as soon as you get off of the couch.

It takes time.

Push past the threshold, because if you don’t use it, you lose it.

The fast path to misery is to try to mimic those with greater mindsets and skill sets than where you’re at right now. The key is that you start where YOU are and measure your growth from where  you were to where you are and want to go.

It’s all about expansion and becoming the best version of you. Create value for other people.

The only way to help other people to get what they want is to provide value.

Ask yourself:

* Where am I not practicing my skills and exercising my capabilities? 

* What can I do today to step closer towards where I want to be?

* What skills sets have I needed to maintain better? 

If you are not in tune with the Spirit of God in your life, it’s time to recommit what you believe. Become a greater steward of your resources. Start where you are and keep up everyday with YOU.

Mar 13, 2016

Who is the Piper?

You’ll often hear me say that phrase (at the end of every episode in fact!) but what do I mean with this phrase?

If you want to have success, there’s a price to be paid, so you might as well pay now instead of suffering the consequences later.

Just as the tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, he will get paid eventually.

Do you think you can get to the top without paying the price?

Whether it’s with our body, in business, religion or with our family, if we don’t pay the piper, we don’t get stronger with our relationships.

Confront what needs to be done in order to level up your mindsets and skill sets. Everything that you want in life has a price attached to it.

Ask yourself:

* Where have I been avoiding in paying the piper? 

* What can I do today to pay the price tag for the life that I want?

* Why is it worth it to me to pay the piper now rather than later? 

It requires commitment to “water what you want to grow.”

Mar 13, 2016

Promises are an inevitable part of our world. And yet, we live in a world in which people are not able to meet their commitments and promises when they say that they’re going to do something.

There’s a way of being in which we say things that we don’t even mean, so how do we make and keep promises, going to bed every night satisfied and fulfilled, then we’re going to have to create something significant and special.

There are 3 Types of Promises:

  1. Irresponsible and criminal promises
  2. Weak promises (not being straight with you)
  3. Powerful Promise

Talking about things that are NEVER going to happen are the most expensive things to talk about.

A Powerful Promise is one that is made with absolute integrity and you can count on it.

Know that people count on you, so that when you commit to something, they know that you’re going to do it, which also means that you’re going to have to commit to less.

Ask yourself:

* Have I made a weak or irresponsible promise when I had no intention of following through or fulfilling? 

* What can I do today to follow through with a commitment?

* What is a powerful promise I can follow through with? 

Powerful people do what they say they’re going to do.

Mar 13, 2016

What do you want?


What do you want in your life?

If you operate not knowing what you want in life, than anything will do.

When you know what you want, you no longer hide behind these types of sedation and mediocrity and instead choose who you want to be by the way that you live.

First, decide what you want. Second, determine what the price is that you have to pay to get it, and then do what you need to do to get it.

You will forever be doomed to achieve the goals of those that DO know what they want if you don’t do this.

In the absence of very clear objectives and goals, you will feel unfulfilled at the end of the day because you don’t know how to find the direction in which you’re going.

So do you know what I want?

An epic marriage. I saw my parents get divorced when I was young and made the decision early on that I was NOT going to get divorced, which means I have to do what I need to do to stay married, but not only that, to have a marriage and raise my children in a way that others could only dream about.

I LOVE my life because I’m doing what I want. That doesn’t mean that I don’t face hardships and pain, that’s just part of reality.

Take some time to get clear about what you want and write about it in your journal today.

What separates powerful people from the weak is that they are committed to doing what they need to NOW in order to get what they want.

Ask yourself:

* What do I want? 

* Do I serve my body or does my body serve me?

* What does it look like to live a life that I want?  

Clarity is a choice; it’s not some accident or gift.

Mar 11, 2016

What’s a Drift?

It’s going into a downward spiral in which devastation occurs.

What’s inevitable?

There’s no way to avoid The Drift.

Even if you try to ignore it, The Drift will still be there.

How do we know it’s coming or occurring? Maybe you wake up one morning and something feels off. It doesn’t mean it’s always a complete devastation; it’s a downward spiral from where your course was heading.

One important principle to know:


There’s nothing wrong with being depressed and down on something; that’s part of life.

Instead of avoiding the Drift, embrace it. Seth Godin defines it as “leaning into it.”

There is a lesson and a gift inside of The Drift as we learn to live in Thanksgiving daily..

If you stay present and open, no matter what you go through, there are always insights that come from everything we experience.

Sometimes the only way we grow is when we’re in a Drift.

It wasn’t the things that happened to me that made me stronger; it was the things that happened through me that did.

A false Lift of pretending should be avoided, which creates a circle of insanity. The greatest thing to be done inside of a Drift is to confront the reality.

Whatever feelings you have, don’t suppress them.

Ask yourself:

* What would my life look like if I lived in Thanksgiving daily, even when I’m experiencing a Drift? 

* What am I supposed to learn from The Drift?

* What will I do the next time I feel the Drift?  

It’s part of life to go through the Drift. Whatever feelings you have, don’t suppress them. Confront the reality and learn the lessons that are being taught.

Mar 10, 2016

It was freezing outside when I woke up this morning to hit my commitments with workout training for 20X. That’s when I realized I’ve become soft living here in California when it comes to weather.


I woke up at 4:00 AM and immediately had to push beyond the comfort of my threshold of working out in pleasant weather.

I did some running outside as well as lifted some weights inside. Normally I would love to keep my workouts inside with this type of weather, but I’m not an average person.

Average people only do the work when it’s convenient and have reached their threshold.

The ONLY way you can expand your power is through your ability to persist in expanding your capacity.

I’m preparing for 20X, so I MUST push past the threshold; it’s the ONLY way to increase my power.

Push past the comforts and beyond the pain. Run longer. Lift heavier weights. If the weather isn’t ideal, dress appropriately and get yourself in the Gap of what your stories are telling you as you push beyond what you think you’re capable of doing right now.

All great people have had to do this, whether it’s their physical, spiritual, mental or emotional capacity.

Withstand past what is comfortable if you want to achieve greatness as well.

Your capacity = power

Ask yourself:

* Where do I hit my threshold and quit? 

* Do I have the ability to endure?

* How can I increase my capacity when I decide to push beyond the threshold? 

If you want to expand beyond your threshold, you’re going to have to step beyond the threshold across the board in your body and spirituality, with your wife and family.

Mar 8, 2016

I took my boys to school a few days ago, and had an experience of parking where I wasn’t supposed to be, and took it out on the staff that called me out, even though she did it in a nice way.


I unfortunately, did not behave nicely.

It was unnecessary to allow the stress of needing to apologize for rudeness to rule my life, so I apologized.

It’s surprising how “Saying Sorry” can really change the whole dynamic of something, especially if you’ve hurt someone, even if you don’t want to do it at the time.

Now, that’s not to say that we need to walk around and apologize to everyone and think that we’re bad people, but if something is weighing on you, take accountability in your life and act with dignity towards others, which may require an apology every so often.

Ask yourself:

* Where do I need to mend a relationship by saying I’m sorry? 

* What can I do to live a life of integrity, in which apologizing only needs to happen every so often, rather than every day?

* How can being willing to apologize for my own actions help me become more aware of those around me? 

We are meant to raise each other up, and sometimes that means that we need to sincerely apologize for poor behavior in order to maintain respect and dignity.

Mar 8, 2016

I coach every type of person.

The common thread that I see in all the different kinds of people I coach, their success comes down to one simple concept:


The definition of power is to level up your skill sets and mind sets to do what you said you were going to do.

You don’t need more information; just make clear decisions and act on them.

In Straight Line Leadership, I learned the concept that I need to keep things simple by doing what I say I’m going to do.

Do what is required to get the result, despite what thoughts of insecurities you may have (they’re always going to be there).

Train your brain to follow you.

Avoid “magical thinking” which is the belief that things are just going to magically come to you after you think it, without doing any actual work on your end.

Realize that you have to do something in order to get something.

There’s really only one kind of conversation that it all comes down to:


Study less and BE more. Do the required work.

Don’t just talk and ask questions but never act on them.

Ask yourself:

* What voices am I listening to inside my head? 

* Who do I need to be?

* How would I be if I got out of my way and did what I said I would do? 

We live in a world of self-interest, but the only way we can get what we want is to help others get what they want.

Mar 8, 2016

It was an amazing day as I wrapped up my book, Winning After The Game, which can be found at


But promoting this book is not what this episode is about.

It’s about the importance of the concepts I learned from Seth Godin‘s bookLinchpin to get my book published in the first place.

I was expanding so fast after writing Love Your Life, I was growing faster than the chapters I had written.

I wanted perfection.

That little voice of resistance kept saying that I needed to hire another editor as I kept following up with my book, yet there were still parts that I hated.


Because I’m constantly growing, but once a book is published, it stays in that state. Therefore, I thought that I was stuck in that state as well. I resisted the shipping because I was constantly growing, but ultimately the most important thing is to SHIP IT.

And move forward.

You’re going to deal with resistance whenever you do things that matter.

When you face resistance, whether it’s in working out or becoming more spiritual, it’s going to come after you.

Ship your message.

Do not let anything stop you, including yourself, to SHIP your message, even if there’s imperfections.

Ask yourself:

* Where in my life have I been resisting moving forward because I’m too focused on perfection before I launch? 

* What is my message?

* What can I do today to get one step closer to getting that message out to the marketplace? 

Resistance tried to stop me but I pushed through, and so can you. SHIP IT!

Mar 4, 2016

There’s a concept and conversation about money that will go on for the rest of our lives.

Regardless of what your beliefs are on how to spend or save money, there’s always someone that tries to lie about the concept of making money.

There are principles that govern money in which there are natural laws that govern the universe.

There are a lot of things that I love to do to show people that I appreciate them, especially my family, but it requires money in order to do that.


If you want to make and keep more money for the sole purpose of doing what you want to do, you have to realize that your money comes from someone else’s bank account.

You need to do something that those that pay you VALUE  what you’re doing over the money they have because they are willing to deposit it in you.

It’s completely up to you; if you want prosperity, go get it.

You need to change your story.

If you’re creating real value, you will see money come in.

Your skill sets are invaluable in what kind of money you want to bring in. Human capital creates financial capital. Powerful people create maximum power when they tell the truth and are clear about what they want.

Ask yourself:

* What’s the one thing that would help me make more money? 

* Do I have beliefs that do not serve me? Who am I not creating enough value for?

* Am I worthy of living a prosperous life? 

Living in prosperity is never about greed; it’s about expansion and becoming the greatest person you can become.

Mar 2, 2016

Make sure the kiddies are in the other room when you listen to this rant, folks.

There’s some adult language in today’s podcast.

If it’s one thing that pisses me off is when we listen to our victim stories. We all have them, but if we aren’t able to to move beyond the victim mentality, we prevent ourselves from growth.

When people say, “If I had it, I would give it” I call bullshit.


How do I know this?

Because there are many out there whose lives don’t work because they aren’t telling the truth.


What’s the lesson? Quit lying. If you’re not ready to play with the big boys, leave and be with those that you can be honest with.

Put your foot down and do something about it if you don’t like your life.

I’m DONE tolerating bullshit stories.

Prosperity is a choice, and so is poverty.

STEP UP. Quit tolerating bullshit behavior

Ask yourself:

* Where I have been lying and pretending in life? 

* What would it take to tell the truth?

* What can I do today to stop tolerating bullshit behavior? 

Quit trying to tell the lies when you refuse to do what is required to make the moves for a better life.

Mar 2, 2016

Today’s ways of communication have come a LONG way in making it easy to communicate with others.

Unfortunately, these instant forms of communication also have their drawbacks, where there’s no buffer time in-between to help us think through a situation.

Instead, we jump to immediate conclusions and wind up in a huge, self-created drama fest because we created a story based off of  limited amount of facts.

Perspective creates possibility.

All of the time we’re creating immediate stories about what we think are true; stories that we have been trained and thought to believe when there’s no real evidence.

So what’s the lesson?

Drop your story. Change it. What is usually the case in an even is in actuality a neutral statement. We make up a bullshit story that rarely serves us when we view the world through the lens of scarcity, operating as a victim.


Ask yourself:

* How often do I make up stories because of a limited perspective? 

* Where can I tell a different story than the one that I’ve been believing?

* What can I do today to change my story? 

Quit making up stories that just bring drama and stress. Change the story, especially the ones that have not been serving you.

Mar 2, 2016

Sometimes we make things WAY too hard for ourselves.

I coach every type of people that are highly committed to living a prosperous life.

We get contradictory statements that if we want to get the greatest results, it’s only because what we were doing was HARD.

It’s just a mindset. There’s a big difference between things that are difficult and challenge you, but it doesn’t have to be this crazy grind of something being HARD in order to see results.

Growth needs to occur and with that we face hard times, but we get to choose to show up in power and refuse to focus on the story of it being hard and just see the action as what it is.

If we see everything as hard, that’s how it’s always going to be. Challenge the stories that you solely see as hard.

Stop avoiding the conversations that must happen and shift it to a win-win mentality that we choose the conditions in which we operate.

Get out of scarcity and tell a different story.

Ask yourself:

* How can I challenge myself  by challenging the stories behind then mentality of things that are hard? 

* Can I tell a different story than the one that states what I’m doing is hard?

* What is an area in my life that I have seen as hard and need to now change the story? 

Choose to live with the abundant mentality, where you choose how you play the game.


Mar 2, 2016

It’s been awhile since I walked into a CrossFit gym, so this morning seemed as good of a time as any to train for my upcoming 20X: 12 Hour Crucible SealFit event.

It pushed me, and I loved it.

Oftentimes in life we do something thinking that it’s just as beneficial as the real deal, like using a glider instead of doing a CrossFit workout, then wonder why we aren’t getting the same results.

It just depends on how you want to apply yourself to receive prosperity or scarcity.

If you want a body that serves you, you have to pay the price and do the work it takes to turn it into a weapon.

No one else can do it for you.

For some of you, the glider works, while for others, you need to get out of your comfort zone that puts stress on your body.

Learn to be present and go all in no matter what you’re doing, from spending time with your kids and spouse to weaponizing your body and establishing a powerful force in the workplace.

If you don’t plant the seeds today, you’re just planning for a famine. Doing the required work from the start requires a steady grind.

Comfort Zone = Thought Zone = Money Zone

Ask yourself:

* How can I step it up to live my purpose? 

* Am I putting in the real, required work?

* What will I do today to grow and push myself further? 

You will not grow and you will not get better if you don’t invest the time today.